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-- 作者:Arin -- 发布时间:2007/11/21 18:17:42 -- [原创]自译文_小井 Shine Dion《The Well》 村庄的右侧,有一口小井。 草丛将它隐藏, 我从一位老妇人那里得知它的存在, 当我看着她满是皱纹的脸庞时,似乎看见她的眼窝周围爬遍了欧洲蕨, “现在,没有人去找过那口井”,老妇人说道。“而我年青时曾在那里逗留,井水是那么得可爱、清澈”。 当透过层层叠叠的欧洲蕨注视着她的双眸时,我看见了“井水泛起的清澈涟漪”。 这使老妇人的形像看上去愈加令人疼心,疼彻至心。 “你愿意为我去找那口井吗”,老妇人说。 她甚至带着颤音说道,“带给我一滴我向往已久的“甘泉”,他将使我的脸颊重现红润”。 Right in the village there\\\'s a little well and the grass hides it, grenn grass in sap closely thatching it I heard of it from an old woman but she siad:"The path is overgrown with bracken where Ioften walked with my cogin, and the cogin itself is warped." when I looked in her lined face I saw the bracken growing round the well of her eyes, and hiding it from seeking and from desires, and closing it,closing it. "Nobody goes to that well now," said the old woman,"as we once went, when we were young, though its water is lovely and white." And when I looked in her eyes through the bracken I saw the sparkle of that water That makes whole every hurt till the hurt of herat. "And will you go there for me," said the old woman,"even with a thimble, and bring me a drop of that hard water that will bring colour to my cheeks." I found the well at last, and through her need was not the greatset It was to her i brought the treasure It may be that the well is something I saw in a dream for today when I went to seek it I found only bracken and rushes, and the old woman\\\'s eyes are closed and a film has come over their merriment
-- 作者:怡红公子 -- 发布时间:2007/11/22 9:04:32 -- 羡慕中…………,呜呜, |