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第六届希腊伊萨卡岛招贴竞赛  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 0:07:37 [显示全部帖子]


发布时间: 2007-04-02» zhangjinli供稿
[ 未经书面授权,严禁转载任何内容!][www.DOLCN.com]

Ten images for Ithaca - 6th poster competition of the island of Ithaca, Greece

主题:  Play
截止日期: 25th of May 2007

1st prize 900 EUR, 2nd prize 600 EUR, 3rd prize 500 EUR

The ten best entries will be made into banners with dimensions 2m x 60cm and will be hung along Ithaca’s promenade for the entire summer of 2007. Their creators will have free accommodation at Ithaca on the weekend of the exhibition’s opening (July 2007).

Each individual or group may submit up to two posters. Each piece must have dimensions of 40cm height x 12cm width and is to be mounted on a 5mm thick cardboard with the same dimensions. Behind each entry, the artist’s details must be clearly written (name, surname, age, address, telephone number and e-mail) along with their signature under the following text “This piece is my original work of which I give the rights to Fimios-Cultural Events of the Municipality of Ithaca”. www.dolcn.com

Digital format requirements (recommended but not obligatory): dimensions 40cm height x 12cm width at 360dpi, in tiff or eps format. The file is to be sent on a cd along with the work presented in the same manner as all other entries.

Send your entry to:
“Ten Images for Ithaca”, the design shop, Kriezi 1, 10553 Athens, Greece.
Entries should be received by 25th of May 2007.

Fimios has the right to change, postpone or cancel the competition without prior notification. Works will not be returned and the winners will be notified via e-mail. Participation in the competition requires acceptance of these terms.

For more information:
+3010 3223410

Organised by Fimios-Cultural Events of the Municipality of Ithaca. In collaboration with +design magazine, Fournos Centre for Digital Culture. Endorsed by the Greek Graphic Designers’ Association and the Design Museum of Thessaloniki. Supported by MORETHAN, Apeiron Photos, Kondorousis printing, Mad4Art digital printing, hergrade and vcdc.
