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主题:[欧美乐] A Moment Like This

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[欧美乐] A Moment Like This  发帖心情 Post By:2006/12/27 11:58:11 [只看该作者]



歌曲名:A Moment
Leona Lewis

the x factor 2006 冠军已经诞生,leona lewis 在意料中赢得第一位x factor 女冠军,听她的歌是种享受,每次听她唱歌,在高音的部份都让我听的头皮发麻,每每替她担心会不会突槌,可是担心是多余的,她的表 现一周比一周更好更进步,真棒
今年的冠军出的单曲是翻kelly clarkson02年美国偶像夺冠时发的单曲的 a moment like this 旋律不变 只是在节奏上稍微做了些改动.也许只想借一借这位选秀的大姐大的光吧,不过leona lewis 的演绎比起kelly来一点也不示弱,甚至两人在高音上相比,更能显示出leona lewis声音的高亢.如加以时日一定前途远大.不可限量.这首歌一经推出已经占据英国单曲榜的圣诞冠军,战胜了此前蝉联六周的take that 以及当红的punk偶像mcfly 强!!


what if i told you
it was all meant to be
would you believe me
would you agree
it's almost that feelin'
we've met before
so tell me that you don't think i'm crazy
when i tell you love has come here and now

a moment like this
some people wait a lifetime
for a moment like this
some people search forever
for that one special kiss
oh, i can't believe it's hapenning to me
some people wait a lifetime
for a moment like this

everything changes
but beauty remains
something so tender
i can't explain
well i may be dreamin'
but still lie awake
can we make this dream last forever
and i'll cherish all the love we share

could this be the reign of love above
i wanna know that you will catch me when i fall
so let me tell you this
some people wait a lifetime
for a moment like this

some people wait a lifetime
for a moment like this
some people search forever
for that one special kiss
oh i can't believe it's happening to me
some people wait a lifetime
for a moment
like this
oh, like this
oh i can't believe it's happening to me
some people wait a lifetime
for a moment
like this
like this


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-18 17:47:45编辑过]
